Discover all the possibilities of financial markets with Alpari
What is the main thing in trading? Training, searching for new opportunities and receiving income from a correctly compiled portfolio. To help you take the first steps in the market, Alpari has changed the permissible amount of credit shoulder so that you earn more in your transactions!
Please note: on Monday, April 11, 2022, we introduce amazing changes in relation to stock indices and raw materials – the value of the credit shoulder for gas, oil and indices will be changed. Say goodbye to fixed with a credit shoulder and start using a floating credit shoulder up to 1: 500, the size of which will depend on the volume of your transaction!
To help you maximize all the possibilities of the market, we also increased the limits of the size of transactions with indexes and raw materials-about the restriction of 15 lots for an index transaction, 7 lots for mini-indices and 25 lots for raw materials can be forgotten. Starting from Monday, you can open transactions in the amount of up to 100 lots on all these tools!
we turn Your attention is that these changes apply to MT4 ECN, MT4 Pro ECN/ MT5 ECN/ MT5standard accounts. So why be content with small? Runn up to the markets by registering today and start trading! If you have questions, contact the customer service manager to obtain more information.